Поканети се сите заинтересирани на предавањето на Гоце Трајчевски на тема Similarity of Spatial, Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Data. Предавањето ќе се одржи во четврток, 19.03.2015 од 14 до 16 часот во амфитеатарот на ТМФ. Во продолжение се дадени повеќе детали за предавањето и предавачот:

Similarity of Spatial, Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Data

Goce Trajcevski
Dept. of EECS, Northwestern University, Illinois, USA

Abstract: A problem which permeates variety of application domains dealing with spatio-temporal data is assessing the similarity among the mobile entities. The (location, time) information may be obtained from different sources - e.g., cameras, satellite imagery, GPs-enabled devices, sensors - to name a few - and different applications may have different categories of relevant/important queries of interest. A similarity query targets the detection of which pairs/groups of objects have motion features that are 'more similar' to each other, than the rest of the objects in a given dataset. Although simple to define, the similarity query is essential for tasks like classification or clustering of spatio-temporal data which, in turn, are crucial for many (online or off-line) decision-making activities in diverse domains: from weather tracking and modelling, through traffic management, to chemical reactions control. The aim of this tutorial is to give an overview of the various challenges encountered when assessing the similarity of mobile entities and to present the corresponding solution techniques. After a motivational overview of the similarity related issues in different application domains, an overview of similarity-related problems and solutions in spatial and time-series databases is presented. This is followed by the crux of the tutorial which provides a thorough exposition of the aspects of similarity in spatio-temporal settings. The final portion overviews the role of similarity in several data mining applications and in the contexts of wireless sensor networks and symbolic/semantic trajectories, concluding with some open challenges.

Bio: Goce Trajcevski is an Assistant Chair with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Northwestern University. He received his BS degree from the University of Ss Kiril I Metodij, and his MS and PhD from the CS Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His main research interests are in the arenas of spatio-temporal data management and sensor networks. He has received two Best Paper Awards (CoopIS 2000 and IEEE MDM 2010) and one Best Short Paper Award (ACM MSWiM 2013). He has been a Principal Investigator (PI) on two large National Science Foundation grants, Northrop-Grumman Corporation and BEA Corporation grants, and a Co-PI on grants from the National Science Foundation, US Office of Naval Research and the DAAD-PPP students-exchange grant from Germany, as well as Murphy Society Equipment grant – totaling over $6.2M. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the GeoInformatica journal and ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS) journal, and has served as a General Co-Chair of IEEE ICDE 2014 and as a Technical Program Committee Co Chair of ADBIS 2014, along with other Organizing Committee tasks (local chair of ACM SIGMOD 2006 and ACM GIS 2011; Advanced Seminars Chair IEEE MDM 2012, 2014); and has been a member of the technical program committees in numerous conferences and workshops. He has also received the Best Teacher Award at the EECS Dept. in 2014, as well as Favorite Teacher Award for the MSiA (Masters of Science in Analytics) program.